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Bend Tours 2019


In late January, SPD took almost 20 members to Bend to tour three sports and outdoor companies. Metolius Climbing, a rock climbing and safety equipment company, gave us a tour of their manufacturing and testing facilities. One of the highlights was witnessing destructive testing of carabiners and straps.

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John MacDougall of MacDougall Bats, a family-owned wooden bat company with a patented structural design involving two types of wood, gave us a full walkthrough of his company’s journey and of the bat-making process.

Finally, Entre Prises, a worldwide leader in rockwall manufacturing, gave us a tour of their Bend warehouse and design office.

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Bend Trip Video

Bend Trip Video

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Students had the opportunity at each company to chat with engineers, ask questions, and see engineering in action. After the day of industry tours, we had a teambuilding evening filled with food and games. We also relaxed and went sledding the next day before returning to Corvallis.

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